

Monday, August 2, 2010

August Second


Today I worked 7-3:45… Had to scan men’s shoes and athletic shoes for missing displays… then change out the ad from the weekend… did a bit of training on the computer… opened boxes… went to lunch… read my book… had my usual chimichanga, yogurt and cola… back to opening boxes… tons of shoes coming in for back to school… I made a big mess of opening them but not putting them away yet… waiting to see what all will fit on the floor first… got in over 8000 steps on the pedometer at work… not as good as last week, when I was getting up to 15,000 steps… but the supervisor is back this week so a bit more talking and planning then just working…

Came home and ate a plum and two apricots… plus a Cactus Cooler soda… and then I couldn’t resist and made some popcorn… been wanting some for weeks now… I did however eat them one at a time not one handful at a time… lol… for dinner I made lasagna with left over lima beans… hubby made some garlic bread… I only had one helping of lasagna but too much garlic bread… never did have any ice cream last night… having lots of water tonight due to the popcorn… son1 was here for dinner tonight… he and son2 have been playing computer games… now he is off with his friends and son2 is settling in for the night…

I’ve done five loads of laundry tonight… will put them away tomorrow… we are now watching one of the discs of Star Trek The Next Generation season 1… son3 has been warned that he is going to bed at regular bedtime tonight to start getting back on school schedule… today he did a bit of math practice with hubby and read one chapter in his Prince of Persia book… after Star Trek I think I will head to bed early too and read some of my Nora Roberts book…

Happy Journaling…



I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Lasagna and garlic bread sure do sound good. That is one of my favorite dinners to make for my family when they come home. We haven't had it in awhile. I loved seeing another entry from you again today!

Barbara said...

Garlic bread is always way to tempting for me to resist. Everyone here loves lasagna too.
I always planned to get my kids on a regular schedule before school started but it never happened. :)