Wednesday again and my day off.... Hubby is off today too as he had his annual doctor check up appointment... The boys have early day and will be home from school soon... I've just been tending my crops in facebook, washing dishes and doing laundry...
Hubby asked if I had been out to see the roses today... told him I'm still updating the roses from the weekend, lol, actually do a blog entry on the day it happened...
Sunday and Monday work went fast with the new processes we have to do now and going in at 6am both days... Sunday was set the ad and open boxes; Monday was count women's shoes and open boxes; Tuesday was stock men's shoes, stock clearance and open boxes...
Holly keeping cool over the weekend in the sprinklers...
Burgers cooking... looks like a face... Didn't seem much like a holiday on Monday between going to work, we didn't even get to dress in patriotic colors like we usually do, and the boys having homework, and I forgot to put up decorations in the yard...
But dinner was tasty...
Son3 and his finished rain forest diorama that he and hubby built... I helped him with his report... that wasn't as much fun...
Son2 working on his report on teenagers and the effect of violent video games... he had a list of topics to choose from and that is the one he picked... He was a bit stressed as he waited til the weekend and hadn't even done the research yet... I also realized the project he told me he did before spring break could not have possibly gotten done as he saves everything to the last day... so hubby was not happy with him for lieing... he did tell me that he forgot over spring break and showed up for school the day it was due... that I believe... the problem is school is so easy for son2... he aces all his tests and papers he does write, but then gets zeros on the things he forgets about or thinks are no big deal... so then he gets C's on his report card where he should have gotten an A...
Tonight is Open House for son3... Would I be a bad mom if I suggested we go see Star Trek instead... We didn't get to do anything fun over the holiday weekend and we are all home early today... Hmmmmm will see what everyone thinks... of course son3 will want to do both....
Happy Journaling...