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Tomorrow is my day to do an entry: Thursday's with Linda...
Some are working on completing larger projects and some of us are working on just getting through daily chores... just fifteen minutes at a time...
Here are some pictures of projects I've completed and some I'd like to start...
These are my kitchen cabinets that I cleaned out and organized before we even started The Motivation Station so I don't have any before pictures... but you can see they are still clean and organized... before it was just a big jumble and good luck finding anything without pulling everything out... I even got rid of some things we never use...
On Saturday I cleaned out the fridge and washed all the shelves and drawers and then we went grocery shopping and filled it up....
We also have a challenge on cleaning out drawers throughout the house...
These two pictures are my side of the bedroom... An ongoing project that I have been working on for years now... Tubs full of baby stuff for the boys and me to finish filling and reorganizing... Stuff to put away and clean out that just ends up on the dresser... drawers full of cards and letters to sort and put in the plastic bins for each boy that I bought and scan some cards to use for graphics...
School papers to put away in boxes and scrapbooks to finish putting together of report cards and award certificates and diplomas... so lots of future entries for The Motivation Station here....
This is our art room... what you can't see is hubby's art table and the game computer... what you can see is the craft table that needs cleaning off, hubby's tombstones that he is working on for Halloween, behind the tombstones are two trunks of all my school papers and cards and letters and mementos from my childhood to go through and sort, and the plastic drawers contain all sorts of school supplies and art supplies that need to be reorganized as I just threw them in there, a project that was never finished...
and this is my new crock pot cookbook... want to get better at having dinner ready since I don't get home from work til after 5pm now, as I used to get off early but now hubby has the early hours, however he can either do homework with the boys or make dinner, not both.... I made beef stew the other day, combining a couple of the recipes together... should have added a bit more liquid to make more gravy, but it was good, still is as we have leftovers....
Happy Journaling...