Again I have become a bad blogger due to the evil Facebook... but wait I have discovered something yesterday... I have discovered the Google Reader for blogs... I know, I'm a little slow... I can just leave it open on my tool bar and it shows me when a new entry has been added... at first I did not think it was working as nothing new was showing so I went to my blog to check on new entries and nope, I am just able to read faster than you can post, lol.... So maybe that will help me keep up and not feel overwhelmed with blogger anymore... And keep me away from Facebook once in a while... not that I do anything there but read status updates and play a few games...
I have been on vacation this week... my last week of 2009 vacation hours... I am watching Tribute by Nora Roberts with Brittney Murphy... Hubby had to work all day and then go back to cover for a meeting this evening... Tomorrow he is off and we get to spend the day together going out to lunch and shopping for a birthday present for a bday party son3 is going to on Saturday...
Son1 has been busy working on cars at work and working on his car... A few weeks ago he changed his car from an automatic to a manual shift... So Sunday through Tuesday of this week he had to change the rear differential I think... and while he had everything torn apart, he also took out the air conditioner since it did not work and put in something like a fake air conditioner and he changed out the radiator... when he was all done he had a gas leak so after work on Wednesday, he borrowed my van, he put a clamp on the hose and now the car is all up and running again... Tonight he is off to work again but off tomorrow... still only getting 15-20 hours... He did however take his training to be a tech 2... He can't be a tech 2 til a position opens up but he can do the commission tech 2 jobs along with his tech 1...
Son2 had his 16th birthday on Monday, but we started the celebrating last Saturday... we got him a XBox 360... he's been wanting one for a while... I thought I had found a great deal of used games online at Walmart but when they came they were for XBox not XBox 360, didn't think you could still get the old games... so we mailed them back yesterday and son2 has already gotten several games from us, some bought with gift cards and some loaned from friends.... so guess where he is right now...
Son3 is all excited this week between son2's bday and now on Saturday he is going to a bday party at the Lazer Quest to play lazer tag for the first time...
Fresno must have been in a bubble this past week... we barely got two of the seven inches they predicted... no lightening, no thunder, barely any ominous black clouds... I did see a beautiful sunset with all the blues and pinks and sun rays streaming up through the rain clouds...
I've just been piddling around the house this week... This was my room back in September... it's a dump all for everything... and then some since son1 moved in....
Another before shot...
Now these are after shots... got all of the boys baby things in the tubs... son3 is 8yrs old and I still had baby things stacked about... still need to go through the tubs again some day and downsize a bit more... interesting how at first you save everything and then as the boys get older not everything is as precious...
So now half of the dresser is actually clear... now no more dumping... all those drawers need to be cleaned out too.... lots of cards and letters and mementos to be sorted and stored...
The floor in front of the bed is all clear and we can walk without stubbing toes...
The corner by the window I finished up today and put the recent certificates and report cards in the boys folders I put together... The boxes are the boys school saved school papers and the plastic drawers are from my front room office space that we cleared for son1....
Now of course have to sort through all the stuff in the hall that we moved out of the front room office to make room for son1... But my room is a bit more pleasant now and more spacious...
Well Tribute is now going off... Think I watched the movie more than write the entry... It was good! Of course Nora Roberts books are better than the movies especially her trilogies... Now Supernatural is coming on and I'm taping Bones and Fringe... Time to tuck in son3 for bedtime...
Happy Journaling...