Here it is second to the last day of my vacation... I'm exhausted, lol.... Included are a few pictures from our first day in Monterey... I still have about two hundred pictures to edit and then I can start making sideshows to share... I'll also do separate entries of our adventures in Monterey... this entry is just to catch up on the week in general... We were in Monterey from Sunday night through Tuesday afternoon... So this entry starts about an hour from home on Tuesday...
Since son2's cell phone is only available in our area he lost service while we were gone... til about an hour from home it kicks back in again... and so did the texting from his friends and the 'mom, my friends want to know'... so before we even got home son2 already had plans for the next day.... We got home about 5:30 and had barely finished unloading the car and ordering a pizza and son1 called wanting to stop by after work to bring some things from the apartment.... He ended up staying til after 11pm... Did he miss us... lol... I was pooped...
On Tuesday son1 called to say work said not to come in that they had not paid the electric bill... He had told us the night before that the owner was moving out of state and starting another business... ??... He also said that he only had a job for another week or so as he was the last one hired and they were downsizing... they also have closed the sales department and are only doing online sales and the service side where son1 works is not taking any more orders... I'm not thinking any of them are having a job for much longer... So he wanted to know if son2 could help him finish moving the apartment to storage but son2 already had plans with his friends... So son1 dropped by to borrow some gas money... He also hasn't got paid yet and I'm wondering if they have money to pay the associates if they can't pay the electric... he keeps saying he is getting paid today... I just hope they pay him out and let him go if they are going to so he can collect unemployment... He already has had a couple of friends tell him they will give him recommendations at their jobs... So son1 found a friend to help him move, son2 was off with his friends for the afternoon and hubby, son3 and I were off to get Internet for the laptop, Warlmart and the movies to see UP... By 5pm hubby was picking up son2 and some deli chicken and we watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button while I was on the laptop at Facebook....
Thursday we were all getting a bit tired and testy, grumpy even... We still haven't finished putting everything away from the trip and I am still catching up on laundry... Plus I've had a cold all week and hubby is still getting over his after almost three weeks now.... So we got a slow start to Thursday as I was nagging a bit... We finally got to the zoo about 11:30ish... Where everyone else was also a bit grumpy... crying kids everywhere... even the animals were snapping at each other, lol... and they were out of soft serve cones so no ice cream treat.... plus son2 was bugging me the whole time if we going to see Star Trek... ummmm you chose to go with your friends on movie day... and son3 was just whiny as he has many blisters from his new sandals he wore on the trip.... By 2pm we were on our way home and son2 had moved on as his friends were calling for him again... actually different friends... anyway I sent him off to adjust his attitude with his friends and told him if we weren't home we went to see Star Trek.... a cool feature I have on the laptop since it is Cricket service same as son2's phone we can text each other, so after about an hour after he left he text me to see if we had gone to the movies but I didn't get onto the laptop til another hour after that, lol.... make him wonder... There was a message for hubby from his work, schedule changes again... They are changing the store hours to fit the area... they also switched every one's days off around... hubby can't complain as he has had Sunday and Monday off since he started at Kinkos 11yrs ago... So now he will be having Friday and Saturday off... He'll still open during the week and between him and son2 will pick up son3... the down side is we will both work on Sunday now, I get off between 10am and 2pm, he won't be off til 6pm... the upside is we will all finally have a day off together again: Saturday, assuming my job hasn't changed my schedule while I was on vacation... We had leftover deli chicken for dinner and watched a couple of Buffys... Son2 got home about 8pm, I was watching Bride Wars in my room, so he went on the internet, son3 was watching Garfield in his room and hubby was disassembling computers and rearranging the computer room as he is moving one of the computer into son2's room...
And now here it is Friday and hubby is back to work and I have been on the laptop all morning... Working on Monterey pictures, reading all my email, catching up on facebook and now blogging... But I have showered and dressed... and had hot chocolate and then a cola as it is 95 degrees already today heading for 102 although of course I am in the air conditioning... The boys got up about an hour ago... son2 is liking being able to go online now that I have the laptop, freeing up the other computer... Son3 is getting dressed and watching Sesame Street and complaining that nothing is on, however he can't keep his eyes off Sesame Street... Chocolate Chip muffins for breakfast... speaking of chocolate we finished off the last of my bday cake last night... it must have been really good for us to finish the whole thing cause usually we ended up throwing the last of cakes away... Son2 has to clean his room today per hubby so he can move the computer in after work... I want son2 to help me set up the pool today for son3... I also need to clean this house badly but never seem to get to it, too many distractions... At least get to the laundry and dishes... and I bought some Kaboom toilet cleaners that hook in the tank that I want to try... Still need to watch Marley and Me with son2... Pay the bills and balance the checkbook... finish up the bday/anniversary cards for the month...and make lasagna for dinner... Tomorrow we have to make father's day cards and wrap the presents... Then next weekend is hubby's bday... always a party around here... lol...Happy Journaling...
To Play Visit Martha...
Kayaks on the beach...Happy Journaling...
We are back from three wonderful days in Monterey Ca... And I am doing my first entry from my new laptop... Yesterday me, hubby and son3 went to the movies to see UP... cute movie, not the comedy I was expecting though it had funny parts... son3 liked it... Son2 was off for pizza and hanging with his friends... Son1 has already been around twice since we have been back, bringing over some stuff from his apartment... I think he's just about finished moving out just the last few items they have to divide up... I have lots of pictures to go through from the trip and adventures to share... Today however we are off to the zoo!! Happy Journaling...