Watching Bones... Hubby should be back any minute, he had to go to a meeting at work... Boys have been back to school a week already and two weeks since Easter... Taxes were due today...
Still haven't taken any vacation days from work... the supervisor did bring it up so guess she approves of the one day at a time... still lots of boxes coming in at work and visitor still hasn't shown yet...
Holly is sitting on my chest... Hard to type this way and her fur is shedding all up my nose... and she's stinky...
I am so unorganized lately... getting lots done at work but not at home... was good and cut back on facebook but having trouble with a blogging routine... I think it's since I switched to the laptop... and son1's room is where the main computer is... I don't have a quiet place where I can blog... I am usually on the laptop in the dining room... I'm just feeling blah and I don't like it...
Son3 is here now talking my ear off... and now son2 is here too... don't know where son1 is... he's had four days off of work... still only working fifteen hours... he was applying for the school district but it was a night shift in a not very nice part of town... son2 has been looking for a job for the summer, but 16 year olds are much more limited these days... most jobs require 18 yr olds... Our water park had a job fair for four hundred jobs with three thousand people showing up...
Fringe is on now, but I'm taping it for hubby, so I'm watching Supernatural...
Son1's new car he got this week... traded the Mustang for a Jeep... hopefully this is the one he will keep for a while... he's already driven it through the mud and the snow... we had a lot of rain the other day causing all the mud and snow... supposed to see more rain at the beginning of next week... it's been unseasonably cool still too... still wearing light jackets in the morning...
tomorrow's my early day to go into work... set the ad, men's display report, stock the men's hanging sandals, finish locating the women's stockroom, lunch, open boxes...
Hubby's home now...
Movie's we have to watch: Law Abiding Citizen, Pandorum, and Ninja Assassin...
Gonna go finish watching Supernatural and then sleeping time to get up at 4:30am for work...
Hopefully I'll get my creativeness flowing again and be a better blogger...
Happy Journaling...