I survived my 33rd Black Friday at Sears…
I worked 3:30am-4:30pm…

Hubby continues to decorate for Christmas…

How was your Thanksgiving…

We had a wonderful dinner at our house with family visiting…
Son1 and DIL stopped by on their travels of spending their day with all the parents…

These pictures are from the backyard the other day…

Today it is raining…
With the cloud coverage there was a beautiful sunset on the way home from work yesterday and a beautiful sunrise this morning…
And all the trees seem especially colorful this year as I travel to and from work…

Mother cat passing through our yard…

A peek at our Thanksgiving dinner table…

I was off on Monday so I set up the Christmas village…

Otherwise I just vegged all day recovering from the whole Black Friday weekend of working…
I have been in a blah mood this week, probably just shell shock from all the chaos at work…
Now we are trying to get all the shoes back together… the women’s boots were hit the worst… Half the boots that are left are no longer even in a box and must be all mated back together…
The men’s boots are the next worst and we are reboxing them…
Meanwhile we are having a stockroom visit tomorrow…
And then next Thursday we are having a footwear department audit…

I am still waiting to hear about the position I posted for…
As are the others that applied for it…

I am very frustrated with hubby not having a job yet… I know God has a plan… but I still worry… I know I shouldn’t worry…
Once again hubby got a call from an insurance company… but once again it was just a seminar at a place that the address was not where the company is and many, many bad reviews on the internet…
So he continues to apply at numerous companies every day, waiting for a call for an interview…
And unemployment continues for the moment…

Son1 and DIL are settling into married life with a new puppy, her attending beauty school and son1 keeping busy with work and restoring a Jeep he got, that he stripped completely down to the frame to where it now has a new frame, new engine… he says it will take about a year to finish…

Son2 is registering for classes for next semester… you are assigned a day that you can begin selecting classes… he was assigned the last day and there are no classes left that he wants… I can understand his frustration but not his anger of the injustice done upon him… I feel he needs to be a bit inconvenienced to grow,,, we did when we were young… “don’t make me age myself by giving a back in the day speech”… nowadays with technology everyone expects instant faster then instant… so after calming down and succumbing to the idea that he may have to take a class every day of the week, he found a few classes that may not meet his requirements but will keep him in school… I told him maybe he will meet the girl of his dreams, you never know the path life takes you…
He has decided to go back to the choice of fireman/paramedic/EMT… however it is a different location separate from the school… it is available now but he is concerned of being able to get there and home…
Which brings me to his next inconvenience that he is not dealing well with… He has had his permit since April and still has not shown an interest in learning how to drive… of course he has a habit of doing things the day before they are due… my schedule has worked out that I am able to take and pick him up the two days he goes to school since the school is right down the street from my work… if he was to walk/take the bus the trip would take about ninety minutes… a terrible inconvenience according to him… which is another reason he is having trouble making his class schedule… he is trying to make it around my work schedule so I can drive him… I want him to be self sufficient and do things for himself at least once in a while… I would at least take him to class, but then he should be able to have an adventure and find his way home… if I get the new job, no telling what my work schedule will change to…
We’ll see how he feels today after having a good night’s sleep…

Son3 is three days back to school and chin deep in homework… this teacher is killing me… we do about three hours of homework a night and haven’t been eating dinner til after 7:30pm… Monday we did all the history, science, language, math… Last night we did language, math and spelling… we saved the nine language pages that are due Friday for tonight along with whatever else he brings home as it is early day and I am off so we can get an earlier start… he also brought home a progress report that has grades from A’s to F’s… it is just hit and miss with this teacher… not everything he brings home is due the next day but we can’t roll it over to the next day as the next day he sends home more homework… and then we are supposed to find time to do nightly reading and study for the math, geography and spelling tests for Friday…
I’m thinking middle school is going to be a breeze next year…
I can’t believe son3 is going to be in 7th grade next year…

Every day I want to blog but every day I don’t allow myself the time to blog… or give myself permission because there are so many other things I should be doing instead… and yet I am not doing those things either…

Hubby has not worked for over two years now… It’s not so much the worry of not having money but more that I’m jealous that he gets to stay home and work on his projects in between applying for jobs… and I’m happy to be able to go to work and I even like my job and want to excel at it… I want to have time to do my projects too… having a day off is not enough time to regroup, clean the house, do homework, make dinner, family time, blog, Facebook, get ready for work, sleep and start a project that you will just have to start over a week later when you have a day off again…
So most days I sit staring at the computer thinking of all the things I want to do, when I should just write in the blog and then get up and do something…
Which reminds me I put laundry in and it is ready to go in the dryer…

The tree is up but we have not begun to decorate it yet…

Indy was helping son2 assemble a shelf the other day…
Son2 got all his shopping done on Thanksgiving/Black Friday… he bought himself a 32in TV, says he can hook his laptop to it for school… I’m like right….. it’s just better for gaming then his old TV…
He also bought presents for us for Christmas… He got some really great deals…. but you’ll have to wait til Christmas to see…

I’ve brought out the Christmas cards I bought at KMart last year at half price… they are sitting next to me, but I haven’t started them yet…
I wanted to send a couple of pictures of the wedding to my friends that do not have emails for sharing but my printer is out of ink…
Why is it every time I use the printer it seems to need ink…. the last time I used it I think was to print out some pictures for son2’s graduation announcements… and I had to buy ink… then hubby has printed out a couple of resumes, son2 printed out an essay or two and I printed out a letter or two… and now we need ink again already… we’re talking about $40.00 at Walmart… I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be cheaper to just print pictures at the kiosks and print at the local copiers… son2 had to use the school copy machines last week as we were out of ink… and of course that was an inconvenience as he had to purchase a card to use the copiers…

On the left is the shelf that son2 put together… it’s perfect for keeping the shoes a bit more organized… I moved the plant in the picture below so you could see it better…
My Christmas village sits upon the desk that the shoes are on…

It is now noon and son2 is now up…
In the five minutes that he has been up we have discussed above picture and discovered that the EMT program is at night, three nights a week from 6pm to 10pm… that is workable for someone to bring and pick him up… I thought that there was a day program and that son1 was only going at night since he worked… so son2 could sign up for the EMT program and between me and hubby we could get him there and back… then he would need one more class to be a full time student, so he said he would be willing to be inconvenienced as it would only take him four hours to walk there… so he says now he will bug hubby to take him out driving… of course once he gets into a habit of driving, hubby will get a job…
Meanwhile he has homework today that is due tomorrow that he has know about for a while… he says it is very simple… it is for Health class… he has to find five articles and summarize them with his opinions… he says should only take an hour…
He is now signing up for the EMT class to hold his spot while we make a plan and look at other classes…
So at the moment son2 has decided to begin the fireman/EMT program at the technology center/off campus from city college and get an associate’s degree in Life Science at the college… he has been torn for the last year on what he wanted to do, but now he has discovered he can do both… get his certificate of achievement in fire technology or in pre hospital paramedic care and still get an associates in life science… as he also wanted to work at a zoo… all this time we have been telling him to do the fireman program but still get a two year degree and up to last night he was fighting the thought of staying in college for two years… and yet now since it’s his idea he is going to do both… man he has a thick head or a barn head as I call him…
Of course tomorrow is another day…
I should end this here as I could write all day… writing in the blog is not hard, allowing myself the time seems to be the problem…
Rain 60° Precip 70%
Partly Cloudy 51° Precip 10%

Mostly Cloudy 69° Precip 10%
Happy Journaling…