

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January Twenty Third



I called out of work today…

I think it has been a year since I have called out…

My car has been leaking brake fluid…

There is a big black stain on my side of the driveway…

I finally made hubby check it for me today… He filled it but can’t find where the leak is coming from…

I also needed a day just to have a moment to catch up to the new year…

I am having a bad week at work too…

I am ready for next week so I can start over… I have a visit next week but also my full timer starts finally… the person that I was a lead with in hardware…

Being January we have had light hours… so getting anything done has been trying… not to mention the herd of elephants (customers) that come through and mess up everything that we do get done so we spend all our time cleaning… and we have to cover the registers when lines get long at the main checkout… some of my associates have spent their whole shifts there the last couple of weeks… So I’m sure the district manager will not be pleased with the way my floor looks…

Other things were frustrating at work this week too but I still can’t seem to write everything I want in my blog… of course this is my happy place so maybe It’s good that I try to stick to mostly positive things in the blog…

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Here’s the new manual treadmill that I got… It doesn’t take up too much room and easy to move around… This is the upright, not being used position…

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Here it is down for use in exercising… I walked on it for 25 minutes today… Phew it was hard work, as being manual you have to walk a little harder and hold on so as not to roll off… It said I walked a mile and had my heart rate between 127 and 165, if it keeps track accurately… It also said I burned 78 calories… I was trying to keep a slow steady walk, but you start to walk fast just to keep up with the belt… I was sweating when I was done…

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Remember the clock hubby made me for my birthday, last June… he finally finished it and hung it up this week… I was so missing having a clock in the master bath…


Today I cleaned the whole kitchen, washed all the pots and pans, son2 had done half of them last night, washed the counters, the island, dining room table… I vacuumed the house… I cleaned the cat litter box and wiped down the boy’s bathroom… Walked on the treadmill while watching a Joyce Meyer episode… I thought her shows were only about twenty minutes but I got to twenty five minutes and I had to stop and she was still talking… lol… I washed a load of rugs/towels… watered the houseplants… and made pea soup out of the ham bone from the ham I made this week…

I still have a pile of paperwork from work to go through and make a game plan for work that I have been bringing home everyday and not doing… maybe I’ll get it done in the morning… As I close tomorrow…

Hubby made cornbread to go with the soup… the boys want sandwiches instead of soup…

Son2 is helping son3 with his pre algebra… son2 is taking intermediate algebra in college… they are pretty much doing the same thing right now… son3’s problem with getting the problems wrong is not entirely that he doesn’t understand it but that he doesn’t pay attention and writes the problem wrong or can’t read his handwriting, because we sure can’t read his writing… he’ll do ten problems all in half a piece of paper… son2 once again is going over the assignment with him and he is missing them because he forgot to put the negative signs because he rushes through his homework… son2 is also showing him once again how to write on the lines that the paper provides and using a ruler for his graph lines… and that it is ok to use the back of the paper or even a second sheet of paper instead of cramming it all in half a piece of paper…

And don’t get us started on his backpack… He doesn’t put anything in folders… doesn’t remember to turn things in or isn’t paying attention when the teacher asks them to turn things in… We have tried since fifth grade to help him be organized and focused at school…

I have left him to do things on his own and haven’t helped with homework or his backpack since before Halloween… I do track his grades at the parent site at the school website…

And son2 tries to help him every so often like now…

The timer is beeping for the corn bread… Dinner is ready…

Hubby and I have shows to watch tonight on the DVR… Supernatural, Castle, Haven…



Joyce Meyer Ministries

God wants us to enjoy where we are on the way to where we're going.

As long as we keep looking to somebody else to make us happy and we don't take responsibility for our own joy with God's help, we're always going to have a lacking in our life and always be sad.

If you cannot please God and people – always choose God! –Joyce

It is not possible to thoroughly enjoy your life and be content if you're not going to totally trust God for the right timing in your life and the right provision.

Simple faith means we believe for no reason other than we believe. We believe because we've decided to believe.

Through God’s grace we can live "upright instead of uptight." –Joyce

Instead of saying, “Lord I don’t know how I am going to do this,” say, “Lord, I can’t wait to see how you do this.” –Joyce


One of the reasons why we get disappointed and discontent is because we have our expectation in the wrong place. The Bible tells us to expect God.


Today, Linda, we believe God wants you to know that ...

you need to stop comparing yourself to other people.

Some people are great singers, some are really smart and others are great athletes. But none of them are, or ever could be you. You are one of a kind. So stop comparing yourself to other people. You can't be them any more than they can be you.




Mostly Cloudy 43°



Partly Cloudy 75° Precip 20%

Tomorrow night


Partly Cloudy 41°

Happy Journaling…


betty said...

I think it is always good to have a day like this for yourself and regroup. I'm not sure I could help anyone with algebra these days, LOL, good Son2 can help Son3 a bit. Good for you for getting on the treadmill; sounds like a great work out!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It sounds as though you really needed the day off. I'm glad you did take one. I worked for years and never called off and later on wished I had. Hope your brakes are ok, they are important for sure.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

God bless you. Get to the bottom of the brake business as soon as y'all can. That's bad business!

Had a heck of a week at work myself. Our IT guy did something to the server last Tuesday afternoon. The hard drive crashed and there was NO BACKUP! We lost a whole month of EVERYTHING. It simply vanished. That started us on one heck of a wild ride. Thank God for the weekend!