Last night we ended up watching Shanghai Knights, so funny with Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson... The chicken I made was quite good except for I cooked it upside down, lol, hubby pointed it out... The mashed potatoes, veggies and Texas cheese toast were good too... Today I was up bright and early at 7:30am, but played on the computer til almost 11am... Hubby and the boys did not get up til 9:30am and 10am... We had a quick breakfast, took our showers, got dressed and headed out to Walmart about noon... Hubby found huge ornaments for the tree in the front yard at 75% off, new sneakers for son3 and two short outfits for son3 for the summer on clearance, jeans for son2, cat food was on sale so Raisin will be happy, got DVD-R's to see how to tape our VHS to DVD, storage container for the extra Christmas decorations we bought this year, photo paper, son2 bought the Sims 2 PC game with his Christmas money, son3 bought a couple of little figures with his, BBQ chips we ate in the car on the way home, and chicken enchiladas and lasagna that we are fixing for dinner tonight... It is cooling on the stove as I write and some more Texas cheese toast is toasting... We finally got home about 3:30pm and hubby raked leaves and put more Christmas away... Me and the boys were hungry so we heated up some chicken and now the boys have been on games ever since...
I have been playing on Facebook on and off all day... Thank you to all who have joined as friends and left a comment or two... I think today was the first day that I really felt like I knew what I was doing, lol... Still need to update my profile and see what all gadgets are available... I was putting names of people I know in the search, cause that's what you do, right, and I kinda got freaked out... I have been in touch with the old gang from junior high off and on for the last thirty years or so except for one friend that I lost touch with in 1984, her choice... Well I typed in her name and she came up as the first person still with her maiden name, I was pretty sure it was her in the picture, clicked on her friends and recognized a mutual friend... last we knew each other we lived in Texas... her location is now listed as Los Angeles Ca, just a skip and a jump up the road from me... No, I didn't click to invite her, she wouldn't know my married name anyway... I just am kinda in shock, I have always wondered what happened to her... Plus the person we had has a mutual friend, I clicked on his friends and there was the guy I had a crush on in Jr. high but he didn't have a picture just the one facebook supplies.... So I guess I could say I had a big day on Facebook today, lol...
The boys have tried on their snow boots and they still fit... Now we are just rounding up hats and gloves and making a list of everything to pack up in the car tomorrow... It rained all day here today, cause we only had a 10% chance, which means it snowed up there... they are saying carry chains, although I checked the road conditions for Yosemite and it said all clear... But we will only go as far as the van can go as we don't have chains.... So we will see what we can see and enjoy our snacks and a drive out and about...
Son2 is wanting to look up cheat codes for Sims 2, he is out of money, lol... and then we are off to eat lasagna and watch maybe something Star Wars, although son2 says no... so off to pick a movie... Tomorrow from Netflix we are getting Beethoven's Big Break, Eagle Eye and The Mummy 3... Although hubby just found the Die Hard 4 we didn't open yet but have seen before... Lots of action and him blowing stuff up...
Happy Journaling...
I am still here... DSL went down... we are so lucky we are on blogger now and it saves the entries... We have eaten the lasagna, had berry pie and Bruce Willis is almost over and the DSL finally came back on... Hubby and son2 are laughing... Bruce Willis is so funny, whether he is kicking butte or getting his butte kicked, lol... OK off to finish the movie and get the boys in bed... They will be in for a shock when I wake them at 7am...
I love Bruce Willis too... glad you ahd time on the computer and the trip to Walmart was loaded with great finds and good deals! What would we all do without Walmart I often wonder? I love that store! Hope you have a nice trip... glad the snow boots all fit.
Glad you had a great day. Your vacation is off to a good start ! Enjoy!
'On Ya'-ma
you got great bargains at Wal-Mart! I saw when we were in there the other day all their 75% off items but couldn't quite get the hang of what to buy not knowing what we'll do next Christmas; glad you "made out like a bandit"!
I'm on Facebook too; I haven't taken the time to really look to see if there is anyone from my school days; I've seen and recognized a few names, I think, LOL; when you graduated 33 years ago, its hard to remember, LOL!
seems like you are doing great with enjoying your first day of vacation! I hope you enjoy the snow today! looking forward to pictures
Another busy day in your household. I haven't been to Wal Mart in months and I have 4 of them, all within 12 miles from my house. I know by now their Christmas stuff must be down to at least 75% off. But I've hit Target and several other places around here and have found some great bargains so really don't need anymore. I also haven't made lasagna in awhile. Bob asked for it a few weeks ago so I guess I'd better get on it. He's leaving for CA again Saturday & I don't want to be stuck with eating it all. Although it freezes good. You should contact your former school friend. You never know..she/he may be thrilled to hear from you. Have fun at Yosemite-anxious to see your pictures.
Facebook can also access your email addy list and generate a friend list for you by those emails. You can also go find friends at the bottom it will ask you the school name and year and anybody that has that school listed will come up. You might look at that. You'll be surprised how many people you know show up.
I've never seen Shanghai Knights and love those two idiots together so I will have to remember that one on my many a sleepless nights. Right now I'm determined to watch LOTR trilogy that will turn into a two week series for me. LoL.
Glad you all found some good deals at walmart. I didn't find a thing I wanted.
When you figure out the DVD-Rs on how to do that let me know. I have a box of those, but don't know what you have to do. Do you all have a special machine to do it? I'm really interested because I have videos from when the kids were little almost 20+ years ago.
Gosh I remember carrying that camera that was like the tv people and needed a shoulder to hold it up. That was the one thing that my father in law did that was nice. He spent his money and got one and let us use it on the kids.
Have fun tomorrow in the snow. We're getting rain my way. It's nasty wet and cold. Blah.
I tried to watch the Beethoven movie with Kyan, but we fell asleep. It was cute what I saw.
I tried to watch Eagle Eye the other day, but fell asleep it was really late when I tried, but will go back to it. Jay says it's good.
Haven't seen any of the Mummy movies so you know me have to watch the first one first, but Jay loves them.
Die Hards I love the originals. Don't know if I would like the last one or not. People said it was different whatever that means.
Glad my Raisin is getting some food so he doesn't have to eat you all.
Oh yeah don't forget the pics tomorrow.
Take care, Chrissie
I think I know the show you are taling about; if so it is really funny! lol Upside down chicken instead of upside down pineapple cake?? hehehe Wow! I just ate around 1 today and you are making me hungry!! lol All that food sounds good. Those after Christmas bargains are nice, aren't they? I would be in shock if my hubby woke me up at 7 anymore. lol He use to until I went to the hospital with 200 blood pressure from melt down! lol He had been retired a little over 3 months. My aunt had a nervous break down when her husband retired... so guess I am lucky. lol Wising you a great time up there in that snow. I am not much for snow. lol Blessings, Janie
I've never looked at Facebook, glad you found a few old friends on it. I'd love to go to Yosemite, I've not been there yet. Enjoy your vacation! Jeannette xx Alphabet entry
there is a LARGE LARGE J land following in Facebook...huge....really...in fact, i think many have quit journaling and do quick checkups over there daily....glad your dinner was good...i love Bruce Willis..XO
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