One good thing finally happened this week... After 66 days, Chuck finally came... I still have a headache and my head and ears are burning off though... I have to tell you though it is a relief... I know I'll be 45 this summer and it's all part of the change and hubby has been snipped but God does have a sense of humor and you just never know... But I do know that I do not want anymore babies please... No carseats, diapers, formula, daycare, school, homework... I'm ready for me time and hubby time in my old age, lol... So we've been a bit stressed about that lately and snapping at each other, me and hubby... I was having nightmares even and wondering if that was the reason for gaining 9lbs... But no it was just from eating too much over the holidays and Chuck not coming... As I've already lost 3lbs this week... and started back to doing crunches... no excuses any more!
Speaking of hubby, remember when he was sick, we think it was from the peanut butter recall... He went grocery shopping on Monday and bought some Little Debbie nutty butty bars that I made him throw away cause $1.50 was nothing compared to dieing... We did a bit of research online of the recalls out of curiosity and a bit of discussing over that little box of nutty butty bars... And then moved on til Tuesday night when hubby realized that we had a package of Keebler peanut butter chocolate cookies that he had eaten two of right before getting sick... Ya think! I threw them away yesterday...
Lots more to share for the week but The Simpsons are over and it is time for homework... Not too much tonight and son3 did good this week with the spelling words having only two days to study and me yelling last night... And lots of good shows on tonight: Bones, CSI, Smallville, Supernatural....
Tomorrow is Friday and more time for playing...
Happy Journaling...
I truly don't think our animal kids would want us to be alone. In some aspects they can move on because they know there is another to comfort you. My long hair Foxy, is so bullheaded, she is one of the outside cats that can't be domesticated. But she loves the outside so much, whenever you spend time out there she will literally play chase with you, follow you through the woods. For being so wild, she is the most loving cat. It just has to be on her terms. (Hugs)Indigo
I'm glad you have Holly and I know she is a blessing for you now. I'd make her the indoor cat too. All of mine were except for the few times they escaped til I caught them and got them right back in again. I'm glad tomorrow is FINALLY FRIDAY too! 'On Ya'-ma
Awwwww Linda, I will never forget your sweet Raisin, he was a beautiful kitty, glad your hubby threw those cookies away, Hugs Lisa
my husband still cries over my dog Trooper. I have 4 cats along with my big fat old dog Bandit. They are part of the family. I am sorry about your Raisin.
Mrs H tells me in the old days women had kids until Menopause, she was the 7th kid. I told her I am 51 and not there yet, and am in no mood to still be having babies, that's why I had the operation after two miscarriages at 40.
Now is the time to be a grandma! more fun anyway!
I too am glad you all have Holly. She'll settle in and be a real blessing to the whole family. I'm sure Raisin would want that. I know cat's are safer as indoor cats. I've never allowed my cats to go out unless I was right there with them. Gabi was terrified the few times I walked outside with her. I don't do it anymore. Take care ~ we're all feeling bad for your family. Linda in Washington
I know what you mean about feeling like you are betraying Raisin. Remember our black and white cat, Socks got run over when the guy was cutting our hay. Scruffy (that looks like Raisin) had just appeared not too long before Socks got run over. :( Did you know that I have a little gray and white cat (Sissy Cat) that looks like your Holly. lol She is so spoiled! She loves to play. Long hair and I have to buy stuff for the hair balls. My 2 long haired cats are outside cats. Gary tells me that Socks had a good life when I get sad.. but it is still kind of sad what happened. The peanut butter cookies from Girl Scouts are alright to eat. :) They have a letter showing they are alright. :) Hope you have a blessed week. Janie
I don't think you are betraying Raisin by bonding more with Holly; she'll never take Raisin's place, but at least she'll ease some of the sadness with his loss :(
so proud of son3 for doing so well on his spelling!!
I'm sure Raisin wouldn't want you to be sad for too long over his death and he'd be happy that Holly was comforting you right now and helping to plant bulbs. I've tried to teach Nina and Katinka to do the washing up but no luck so far. Have a good weekend although you're all still feeling sad. Jeannette xx
you know, a higher power could have sent Holly to you knowing that sweet Raisin had a limited time left. As you know, Buddy was the love of my entire life but 7 wks later i got TJ and thank GOD i did!!! You are allowed to love more than one kitty. I am glad Mr. Red came along and you feel a bit better...i pray you and Bill get some together time quickly. XO
Raisin is being well looked after and he had the best family in the world to look after him.
Hope you don't go through a rough time with the change...I am loving it...minor setbacks, here and there...but all in all...love it. Hope it works out for you too...down the road. hugs and love,
I'm so sorry about Raisin! I know you loved him so much.
I'm glad you have Holly to help you feel a little better.
Maybe Holly was sent in advance of Raisin's leaving, Linda. Wishing you strength in coming to terms with his loss, and other challenges you're facing at this time.
I am sorry to read about Raison. At least he had a good 10 years with a caring home. I was just reading about wolves in Yellowstone, and how they naturally only live to be 5 or 6 with worn down teeth and injuries, compared to captive one's that live into their teens. Most of the wolve pups die of distempter. I have been snowbound all week. 50 miles south of me is a disaster area. Some people will not have electricity for a month. People are traveling from Kentucky 100 miles to get Kerosene in Marion IL. It will finally thaw more tommorrow, as today is the first day of 38F right now. My car is under snow with ice. The ice did not accumulate here as it did in Feb. of 2008, bringing down trees,and power lines. Salty's pen fence was damaged from broken Mulberry tree large limbs then. mark
Awww... WOW I didn't realize I haven't visited since my Raisin passed. I loved that boy.
Glad you have another to keep you company, but I can't get into Holly.
That was how I felt with my cat, Baby. Once she died. My daughter got another cat, but I never really liked that one like my Baby. I've not gotten another since. Just not the same.
Glad you got some bulbs planted. I got a lot of catching up to do.
Hugs, Chrissie
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