Saturday morning... Hubby is off to work. Son3 is conquering empires on his computer games. Son2 is reading The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury. I have been clicking around Facebook... I like clicking around on the applications, lol... Holly is sleeping next to me... It has been raining for days, yay! And tomorrow is son2's bday and I have lots to do today!!
This is going to be an organize my thoughts entry... I have so many to do lists and so many things I want to get done this year... But then things keep getting added to my to do list before I have a chance to check others off, lol... Some of it's hubby's to do list but I have to maintain his list too, so that's a job in itself... He put the tree away but still has all the ornaments to box up, he still has to make dentist appointments for the boys and take them in, but with his new work schedule he no longer has time in the morning to run his errands and do his chores before work... He also needs to make him and son3 eye checkup appointments... He has his yard chores and around the house chores to work on... Plus a few craft projects he started that need finishing... And he got a jury duty summons for next month...

Tomorrow is son2's bday, he'll be 15! I only have to work til 10am to set the ad and then it's just us having family day... Don't know yet if son1 is able to come or he has to work. I still need to make his chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and put up the decorations and balloons... We got him a game chair that hooks to the game systems and has speakers... Instead of wrapping it we are planning to have a treasure hunt so I will need to make clue cards to hide... Son2 has been texting a lot with his friend who is a girl that is a girlfriend to his friend... We tease him that shouldn't his friend be jealous... Anyway she was telling him what college she was thinking of attending and what she wants to be, so I guess he became worried cause he came to me last Saturday wanting to know what he was going to be and where he was going to college... So we talked for an hour or so and didn't make any decisions on what he was going to be but how to figure it out in the next few years... And that he will be attending Fresno city college for all his basic classes and to help him figure out what he wants to do before transferring to a University... She has also gotten him into reading again... He is a very good and fast reader and I tried over Christmas break to get him to read some books but he wasn't in the mood... Anyway they raced the other day to see who could finish Romeo and Juliet first, she won and so he had to drink the pickle juice, lol... Now he is reading The Illustrated Man so he can finish and read Twilight that she let him borrow... I may borrow it too but I'm not sure if I'm going to like this version of vampire... I've heard some love it but then a few don't know what all the excitement is about either...
Son3 did well on his spelling words this week but then there were only ten: playful, loudly, quickly, quietly, thankful, foxes, branches, dresses, churches, and brushes... He may have only missed two on the final test yesterday... She never sends home the final tests so don't know how he does... He did get his report card yesterday: Reading C, Language B, Writing C, Spelling C and Math C... Everything went up except Math went down and that's his best so don't know about that unless it is because a lot of math is reading now and that may have hurt him... She said he is doing better each day so we may hold off the intervention awhile longer... As long as he is improving, I just hope he is able to keep up... Meanwhile he has had a loose tooth since before Christmas that is just hanging there... The other tooth has already come in. He is the most dramatic person when it comes to teeth, will not even let us look without all the screaming and yelling and wrestling just to see.... Yesterday due to the rain we had two power failures... The first just a minute but he is deathly afraid of the dark and was freaked out for the rest of the night... I handed out flashlights which was good cause just as hubby was getting home they went out again for about five minutes... But son3 had his flashlight on instantly so he was good, lol... He slept with his flashlight and his glasses, just in case... No more power failures though... The sun is coming out a bit now...

I want this to be the year to finally get organized and get on a routine... something like wash floors on Monday, clean bathrooms on Tuesday, etc... not save everything for my day off and end the day with a headache cause I didn't get it all done.... I also want to make more time for me to have a morning and nightly me regimen of manicures and facials and exercise and such... I've been reading more on the St. John's Wort and I am going to start taking it at night before I go to bed and then in the morning take my multivitamin and a vitamin D to battle the lack of sunshine... I so can't wait for the days to continue to get longer as then I will be sure to get more done... I was back to falling asleep at 8pm this week while I was watching my shows... I taped them all though so we are all caught up except Ghost Whisperer and I missed taping CSI cause Bones came on twice, last weeks and this weeks... But I already found CSI online so we can watch it...
My goals for the year so far: clean the laundry room, clean out all the drawers in the house ( I had hoped to do one drawer a day throughout January, but that never happened), clean out the kitchen cupboards, steam clean the carpets, reorganize the art/computer room, get rid of the paper piles, organize all the boys greeting cards and mementos into keepsake boxes, scan cards to use as graphics, reorganize my bookcases, put all my books on Shelfari, make the sugar cookies from Christmas, clean out the fridge, defrost the garage freezer, there must be thirty birds in the backyard finishing the last of the birdseed so add buy birdseed to list, shred old files from file cabinet (another January goal that didn't get done), wash laundry, wash dishes daily, keep the island and dining room table clear, vacuum, save all my pictures to CD's, daily homework reading and studying with son3, new plans for dinners now that hubby's work hours are different, pay bills and keep up on checkbook weekly not monthly, clean bathrooms, pull all papers together and file taxes, get ready for Valentine's, yard ready for spring..............
Today's list: wash dishes and pans, wash son3's sheets (did son2's on Wednesday), put away laundry, clean bathroom sinks, watch Ghost Whisperer, watch The Christmas Cottage (son2 and I still have not watched Gone with the Wind), put up decorations and balloons, make cake and make present hunt cards for son2's bday, run a scan and defragment computer and fill out bday cards for February...
But first have breakfast or is it time for lunch as I've been the computer for three hours already, lol... and we wonder why we get nothing done... I did fix son3's breakfast already though, waffles and chocolate milk... and what does son2 want for his birthday dinner... tonight's dinner is easy, since hubby is no longer home on Saturday morning for our weekly family breakfast, we just have it for dinner now...
I'm off to eat my Cheerios...
Happy Journaling...
I cleared off my dining room table today and put out my valentine table cloth and candles . It looks really nice now. We'll see how long it stays that way. I know February isn't here, but I'm done with January already. Have fun celebrating with the birthday boy. I know you'll have lots of pictures for us. 'On Ya'-ma
Your to do list seems like mine. I have a whole list of things to do but never seem to even start them.
A treasure hunt is a great idea - I am sure he will be thrilled when he reaches his prize at the end.
Wishing him a very Happy Birthday and many comfortable hours in his new gaming chair!
Happy birthday to son2!! I hope he has a great day tomorrow!! whatever/whoever can motivate them to read is a good thing in my opinion; she seems like a good girl too if she's thinking about colleges already and likes to read a lot. He's still young to know what he wants to do; its good that he is going to go to college! and the first 2 years are usually all general ed requirements so I think community colleges are great to get them out of the way at
geesh your list of things to do and to get organized, I'm amazed! lots of good things to do on it; I bet you tackle it all too!
I used to do a chore a day like you were thinking; I did good until it got dark in the evenings because I would do it after dinner/Koda's nightly walk but with the dark, it made me think sleep time, LOL, so I lost motivation. Also, I realized I was doing all the house cleaning and no one else because we used to all do it together on Saturday mornings (hubby/me) so I went back to Saturday mornings and all is well with it, LOL :)
A present hunt! That is a great idea.
I'll have to remember that one.
Your to do list sounds like mine.lol
Happy Birthday Son2! Hope it's a great day!
i wonder how many miles are between my house and yours....i say that because you are the ONLY one who remembers my wedding anniversary. What an awesome person you are, thank you!
Your lists exhaust me! lol I can not stay organized either. I had 5 days worth of mail to go thru tonight. We should count how much junk mail comes into our homes. Such a waste. HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to Son2! WOW, 15! I love it that he read a book....Meg is just now reading Twilight books.
Awwwwww Happy Birthday to your son, Hugs Lisa
Glad to hear that the girlfriend reads. hehe The tooth thing sounds about like I was when little. lol Still hate to go to the dentist!! lol I have paper piles! Just can't get rid of some papers. Going to put some important older papers in a foot locker in the garage and hope it helps. I also go a address from the post office to write and request for no junk mail!! I bet I tear up a tree a day. lol You list reads just about like mine. lol Good luck on getting things organized. I find it so hard to organize things. Wishing your son a early Happy Birthday. Blessings, Janie
I'm so far behind in our home that the only way I could ever catch up would be a week home alone with no one wanting anything else from me to work on it all. It's really sad.
Funny how a woman's agenda usually consists of more items that are someone else's than her own.
Some days I don't know how you do it hon. Here I thought I was the last to yet finish putting away the Christmas decorations. Today should finish off that job hopefully. Happy Birthday to Son2! (Hugs)Indigo
....and we wonder why we get nothing done....
I can't believe that you, of all people, typed out that statement. You are so busy, and get more done than most people!
Good luck on all your organization plans. Those are hard for me. I hope you post some tips along the way...:)
Wow, that's some To-Do List. Don't forget to put yourself on it every now and then too. Because when Mom's happy, everyone's happy!
Wow, I can't believe he is turning (turned) 15!! Boy they sure grow so fast :)
I'm like you, I want to do so many things this year. You would think not being able to find work that I would already have it done. Uh now! lol
You take good care and tell the little one Happy Belated Birthday!
Hugs, Gayla
Okay now you make me feel LAZY. That is some lists. I have those kind too, but I ignore them. I gave up on shredding since I have like 20yrs of crap to get rid of I decided I'm gonna use my old grill and just burn everything and do it the fast way.
Hope all the plans go the way you want. I'm catching up on you because I am soooo far behind. I never read anymore nothing personal just can't make myself do it anymore.
Hugs, Chrissie
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