

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August Tenth


Last night got away from me and I ran out of time to do a post… Nothing exciting at work yesterday… I wasn’t quite motivated either… We were short hand helds so I wasn’t able to scan the displays for men and athletic shoes… So just changed out the ad from the weekend… and checked out Pebble on the computer… kind of like facebook but just for work… opened boxes… went to lunch, had my usual chimichanga, yogurt and cola… then opened boxes til it was time to go home… I actually cleared up half the boxes but as I was leaving saw the guys bringing two more full carts to the stockroom…

After work I made chicken enchiladas with corn and stewed tomatoes… while hubby ran to the grocery store… son1 and girlfriend had dinner too… then they watched Rush Hour 3 and girlfriend fell asleep… Son2 watched Legion and stayed up too late… son3 watched Hot Shots… and hubby and I watched Star Trek Insurrection and I fell asleep…


Today I had a vacation day… Which was good cause even though they are getting ready for school they are hanging onto summer… Son2 finished his Netflix movies today'; Legion and Book of Eli… Son3 had Pirates of the Caribbean marathon yesterday and went back and forth between video games and movies today… Son2 had a very hard time getting up at 6am this morning… I spent the day cleaning out the school supply drawers and making sure they have everything for tomorrow from clean clothes to backpacks to lunch money… Now they are showered and ready for bed, nails have been cut… they are heading to their rooms and it is lights out at 9pm…

This morning I got on the scale and it said I have lost 17lbs since the middle of May… I don’t know how this is possible… I know I have made changes but nothing that I feel is drastic… For breakfast this morning I had a handful of shredded wheat with a glass of juice and my vitamins… For lunch I had boneless chicken, stewed tomatoes and black eyed peas… For a snack I had two plums and a cola… For dinner I had two chicken legs, white cheddar shells, broccoli rice and white corn… and only water to drink… and a few tortilla chips before dinner… and now hubby is making brownies and last night before bed I had an ice cream bar… I am watching my portion sizes and being aware of the food going into my mouth and chewing…

Now I am off to straighten up and put away laundry and myself to sleep so I can get up early and send everyone off to work and school….

Happy Journaling…

1 comment:

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I am so proud of your 17 lb loss, and I think you are onto something powerful with these small changes and being mindful of what you eat.