

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Seventh...

It was a very fast day today... It was so nice going to work early and not having to set the ad... I reset the back wall of men's work boots... and stocked a lot of work boots... got a plan together for the new sign set up tomorrow... went to lunch... stocked more work boots... opened boxes and it was time to go home... once home I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, paid the bills, made some rice and veggies to go with all the leftovers in the fridge, made out some bday cards for the month, made some Valentine cards, got son2 to do his thank you cards, son2 did his homework earlier in the day, son3 studied his 8x, and I played a bit on facebook... son1 is off at a Superbowl party still, son2 and son3 are in their rooms having quiet TV time and now I'm off to fold some laundry and see what hubby is up to... then time for sleeping... another early day at work tomorrow...

Happy Journaling...


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm glad that new schedule is working for you. You sound pretty happy about the time it is giving you. It's nice when things happen like that. Hope your Monday is a great one!

betty said...

sounds like another busy productive day for you, Linda, and your family; wow son3 is just zipping through those time tables!
