Here I am on this nice sunny day off from work with hubby back to work and the boys at school.... It seems I lost control of the last three days... Saturday night hubby came home from work sick... We thought he had eaten something that didn't agree with him as he felt better by Sunday night... So Monday he did tons of yard work but then had a fever that night... Tuesday he wasn't much better so he called out from work but did manage to get to the grocery store and pharmacy and pick up a few items... Finally last night he was back to eating full meals and his chipper annoying self, lol, so today he was off to work...
Sunday the boys were way too overexcited for two boys that had to go back to school on Monday, where I was tired from being back at work and hubby wasn't feeling well... So I was back to yelling after not having to yell for three weeks... Turns out they were excited about going back to school to see their friends but didn't see the importance of getting ready for school and getting to bed on time the same way I did.... Son3 and I did manage to do 23 pages of his practice book over the weekend, with him fighting it all the way of course and me thinking oh great I can see how homework is going to be already... And he did read his library book all by himself: Henry and Mudge....
Monday the boys did great at school and each did their homework but I was still yelling... hmmmmm I have discovered that it is not work and driving to and from work with the crazy people that make me grumpy... It is school, teachers and homework that make me grumpy and I just take it out on work and crazy drivers.... Cause I was not grumpy for three weeks and I was going to work then and driving with crazy people... Sure I might have been annoyed at times but not yelling at the family grumpy... School, teachers and homework take up a big chunk of time and effort... For example son3 has already received ten of his fifteen spelling words, we have written them five times each and written them in sentences and last night he studied them more after his shower.... but today we will get five more and tomorrow will be the test and He Doesn't Know Them Yet... the words so far are costume, polished, handsome, discover, solve, mirror, traced, grown up, smear, creation and whispering... I don't remember son2 having these big of words in second grade... Actually tomorrow is the practice test and then Friday the test, but when he sees that he misses most of them tomorrow that just discourages him from even continuing.... He's such a perfectionist and expects to know them the first time...
Son2 is back into the swing of school and already lost his student ID card, hopefully he finds it today, he think it might be in his PE locker... Then yesterday he wanted to go the school soccer game that starts before school even gets out so by time he gets home and I was to drive him there (the game is not at the school) it would be half over plus it costs five dollars to see half a game, plus by time I drove back home, it would be time to pick him up as it takes twenty minutes just to get there.... So he wasn't see any reason to all this..... and was just mad... it was the same girl from the cabin in the snow texting him to come... I'm like how is she texting you if she is playing soccer.... lol... and then I ask him if he likes her, so he says she is seeing one of his other friends, but does admit he has a bit of a crush on her....

Sunday I was back to work, hoping for a quick day... I set the ad with the luxury of taking my time as it wasn't a big ad... Went to lunch and then after lunch worked on athletic mismates and then cleaned up the mess that was left from those that helped open boxes while I was gone... Monday I scanned the floor for the display report, talked with the supervisor to get caught up, filled the men's work boot table, as no one had stocked or cleaned men's shoes the whole week I was gone... Seems that is my area so no one touched it the whole week and a half I was gone, not even to clean for the customers at closing... I then began the task of putting all the boots back in their boxes and stocking but only got one row done... So Thursday and Friday that is my priority to have all work boots cleaned up and stocked... Before I went home on Monday I also cleaned up the stockroom, again cleaning up after the associates who did some things I normally do but left the mess... Then on Tuesday we had a surprise at work... I had completely forgot all about it... Actually figured it was passed and not gonna happen... Well Ty didn't come but Michael Maloney did and actually he was probably more fun than Ty...

Then I spent the day doing price changes and stocking athletic shoes a bit... When supervisor went to lunch she said on the news they were saying that Extreme Home Makeover is at the store right not and she is thinking, no they left already... So when she came back and I went to lunch shoes was getting paged tons of times meaning we got busy while I was gone... you think maybe all the people who saw the news and came running in only to find they had left so they stayed to shop, lol... Tomorrow supervisor is off so it is just me working all day by myself... Hopefully we won't be busy and I can get work done and that everyone is at the house waiting for the family to come home and for them to say "Move that bus".... they suggest you get there at 10am and they move the bus between 2pm and 3pm...
Today I have been getting the house back in order and trying to relax but that has given me a headache, lol... I was up at 4:30am cause son3 had woken up and was afraid.... So I messed around with his TV for a few minutes trying to find him something to watch to get bad dreams off his mind but he gets the least channels with all this digital stuff... I told hubby I think I realize our mistake, we started the digital too soon since it has taken effect yet... So I think we are going to unhook the digital boxes and put the boys old TVs back in their rooms and when they finally start the new digital we will change over... I also realized that son3's TV was going a different direction than all the other TVs in the house so we moved the antenna to match the others and he is now getting a few more channels... Son2 was just telling me that it isn't any better going back since they are doing half and half with the analog and digital, so I don't know... So I got son3 back to sleep but I was up so came on the computer, got son2 off to school, got son3 up at 7am and ready for school... Hubby got up and got ready for work and took son3 to school... Then since I haven't really seen hubby for the last five days, I talked his ear off over breakfast until he had to leave for work... I've cleaned toilets, done four loads of laundry with two more to go, watered the plants, straightened up the family room from all the toys when the boys were on break, vacuumed, had lunch, read a few blogs, added a few blogs to read, picked up the boys from school, put teriyaki chicken on the stove to cook and I have been working on this entry off and on since before noon and it is now 3:30pm... Now I'm gonna go straighten up the island and kitchen table, do the dishes, finish making dinner of rice and stir fry veggies, eat dinner and do homework with son3...
This week starts hubby's new schedule at work again... He doesn't have to close any more on Fridays and Saturdays... But he goes in later each day and gets home a bit later... So we won't be having dinner all together every day again but then I can get the boys fed and then do homework and into showers... Before we were trying to get homework done before hubby got home and waiting til 6:30pm to eat dinner and that is just too late for me and the boys being we are at school and work way before hubby gets to work... So I'm hoping not to feel as rushed in the evenings now...
We did make time to watch Star Wars and Ghost Town... I can't believe I stayed awake and made it all the way through Star Wars, lol... And Ghost Town was so funny and had a few twists and turns... I did tell son2 if it was so funny, why was I crying, so there was a sad part or two also.... Next we have Bangkok Dangerous, The Illustrated Man and The Christmas Cottage...
Son2 did not find his ID card at school today and the rest of the spelling words are: threw, touched, pour, kitchen and radio...
Happy Journaling...
Linda, hope hubby is feeling better and your headache is gone, CSI is going to be sad tommorow night, Hugs Lisa
Now I guess I should be all caught up on your week. Wow! Things are never boring at your house for sure. Glad hubby is better and glad you got to see the stars at work. Take care and don't let that homework get you down. You may be raising a genius...who knows. 'On Ya'-ma
Glad your hubby is feeling better. They were filming make over houses when I visited my son in ND but we didn't get to see anyone. Those words do seem a bit big for 2nd grade. But I thought libraries was big for 3rd and that is on Makayla's list this week.
Hope the rest of your week goes well.
Hioe your husband is feeling much better and you are free of the headache.
The filling sounds fun and I'm glad you were at the store when it happened. What fun.
I miss homework! I can't believe I just said that!! And I meant my children having homework ... NOT ME! UGH.
Have a great week.
Those do seem like hard spelling words to me for a 2nd grader. Glad your husband got better. Hope you have a good week without having to rush so much. Blessings, Janie
THANK YOU so much Kyan got his birthday card from your family. So sweet. He loved it.
Oh no I hate when you get sick like that..poor hubby. Glad he's better.
Oh great son3 for getting so much work done and reading that book. My kids use to love Henry and Mudge.
Don't feel bad when my kiddos were little I felt overwhelmed working outside the home during the day and coming home to begin homework at night before anybody could go to bed and everyone still had to eat in between that time too. So I never even got to do laundry and stuff until everyone headed to bed and I could sit down for a second. I didn't sit much or else I would pass out. Of course John didn't have to deal with any of that because he worked night shift. He had it made. Slept all day in silence and then left when the mess started.
Yeah son2 is such a typical teen you are the bus to everything no matter what time.
Okay I'll be back Kyan wants my attention his movie is over.
So be back.
I was talking to this cashier we know at Albertson's and she said the same thing about school that you did, LOL; she was excited the kids were going back after their break but she wasn't looking forward to homework, teachers, getting the kids up and going in the morning etc
those are hard words son2 has to do! I don't remember my kids having words like that in 2nd grade! I can see how he could get frustrated on not getting them right the first time around; they aren't easy "sound out" words and I think those are the words that should be given the first few years of school, but what do I know LOL??
busy as always you are!!
Linda, you are one busy
I certainly don't miss the homework days..omg, that was a long haul for me.
I wouldn't mind watching Michael film for the show. He really does seem like a genuine person.
Have a great week-end,
Sounds like a really fun time with the famous movie actor... I would love to have been there for that. Since we all have journals hey doesn't that make us famous too in a sort of way? I guess we need a few million more readers though. LOL. Enjoyed hearing about the homework sagas as much of the same goes on here too. It's a challenge for sure. Yes those are some very hard words for second grade. Can you believe our school stopped sending spelling words and I had to request a list?! They have some new theory that kids don't need spelling words. I would not know how to read if they hadn't sent spelling words home. Yes I know what you mean about the yelling. Seems like it comes and goes in spurts. Especially with boys. It's all that testosterone we're battling LOL. So see, it's not our fault. LOL.
I think that going back to school after some time off is a hard adjustment sometimes. Of course, kids never quite get the need for actual preparation...that's why they need us...:)
How fun to read about having Michael Maloney in your store!
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