

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January Fourteenth




How about an entry…

What have we been up to…

Hubby and I: working of course… hubby’s part time job, averages about thirty hours a week…

I, being a supervisor, am always working, it seems…

Either hubby and I are working the same schedules or opposite schedules, so seems sometimes we don’t see each other…

The boys just went back to school after being on vacation for three weeks for Christmas break…

Son3 in seventh grade, son2 in his second year of college…

I had a blissfully quiet day at home today as they were all at work and school and I was off…

They should all be coming through the door any minute…

Son3 will have homework and wants a hair cut…

Hubby picked up son2 but then son2 is driving home…

Just a matter of time now and he will take his driving test and buy his own car… He says by next month hopefully…

Son2 will be twenty in about a week and a half…

Son1 and DIL are still doing great… Son1 will have been at his job/career, a whole year this month… And yes Son1 and DIL are expecting a baby on August 22nd of this year…

I’m happy for them to have a baby and I’m sure it will be fun to have a baby around to spoil…

But I don’t want to be a Grandma, haha…

I will be fifty this year, before the baby is born… I’ll deal with that first…

Forty was very hard… that is when I started journaling… We’ll see how I deal with fifty…

Son1 was supposed to take me to get a tattoo for my fiftieth birthday, haha…

The fourteenth of January already… Lots to do and exciting things happening this year…

But for now I will do the dishes, see what’s for dinner and get son3 started on his homework…

I was thinking the other day, when son3 graduates high school, the baby will be starting kindergarten, at the same school all three boys went to and even DIL…

Happy Journaling…


betty said...

Congrats on the wee one!! How exciting times!! Honestly, you want to have grandkids when you are younger rather than older, you have more energy to spend with them, etc. I do hope you get a tattoo when you turn 50! A great way to remember it!

That is neat that hubby is working so many hours, but sorry you aren't seeing too much of each other.

I think it is neat that all went to and will go to the same elementary school. You don't hear that happening too often!!

Happy New Year and I hope to see you more often blogging!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How exciting that your son and his wife are expecting. I so remember the first time I held my first grandchild what a thrill it was. As you know I'm still holding them. The newest was born this past November and was the 19th. For me, turning 50 was a wonderful year...hope it is for you too.

Lynne said...

50 is not so bad, being that I am 51...lol. BTW, your son and DIL's baby is due on the same day as my eldest daughter!