

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Color Carnival

To Play Visit Martha...

Happy Journaling...

Monday, February 8, 2010

February Eighth...

What a day... it was a very long fast day... Son1 and girlfriend got back from the Superbowl Party very late or very early in the morning because his clutch went out and he had to have his car towed home... luckily his friend was following him so they weren't all alone on the freeway... He was able to get a new cable for the clutch but then something went wrong with the new cable so had to return it or get additional part but now it is finally all working at 9pm...
Work was crazy today... the schools were out so everyone was shopping with their kids and the kids were running and laughing all over the place... I got all the new hanging signs changed out today and others changed out all the sign holders on the shoe rows but we weren't shipped the right amount of signs so waiting for the rest of the sign holders to come so we can finish putting up all the new signs... We have a new district manager coming for shoes tomorrow so we trying to get ready for that too but the customers were making a big mess...
Son2 and son3 had a three day weekend and did nothing but play games and watch TV... well son2 did do some homework but still has a bit to finish and it is after 9pm already... and son2 did his Christmas and bday thank you cards... and son3 did his Valentine cards tonight for his class party... but son2 didn't any chores, he's still working on laundry... and son3 didn't read any books this weekend and only studied his 8x a little bit... if he doesn't pass them tomorrow then he's out of his group and can't participate in any fun class things this week until he passes them... and son3 didn't get a haircut this weekend, nor did I...
Getting ready to watch The Big Bang Theory and then Castle...
Happy Journaling...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Seventh...

It was a very fast day today... It was so nice going to work early and not having to set the ad... I reset the back wall of men's work boots... and stocked a lot of work boots... got a plan together for the new sign set up tomorrow... went to lunch... stocked more work boots... opened boxes and it was time to go home... once home I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, paid the bills, made some rice and veggies to go with all the leftovers in the fridge, made out some bday cards for the month, made some Valentine cards, got son2 to do his thank you cards, son2 did his homework earlier in the day, son3 studied his 8x, and I played a bit on facebook... son1 is off at a Superbowl party still, son2 and son3 are in their rooms having quiet TV time and now I'm off to fold some laundry and see what hubby is up to... then time for sleeping... another early day at work tomorrow...

Happy Journaling...