Thursday already… of course it’s Monday for me, as I work the next six days in a row… I close tonight… I don’t have to close this weekend though, so that’s good… On Monday I have to go to Merced to help them with inventory… So I volunteered to drive the van as there are five of us going… We have to be there at 7am and it’s about a 90 minute drive, give or take…
Sharing some of our pictures from when we went to Monterey last month…
The boys have been on summer vacation for four weeks with five weeks to go… They have done Nothing but lay around and play video games or watch TV… Son2 did read Eragon and has started Eldest… Son3 read a chapter of a Star Wars book and that was it… He hasn’t realized yet that reading can be fun and isn’t just homework… Son2 was in Middle School when he discovered reading was fun…
I just finished reading Nora Roberts In the Garden trilogy… So Very Good and it even has a ghost in it…
Hubby and I are still not liking his new job… He did bring in one $400 job and got $23 commission for it… And now that the owner is back who hired him, he got his mileage check… He has only been there six weeks, feels longer… Will see what kind of feedback he gets now that the owner is back… I still don’t like that they don’t give him any resources or have any equipment to do the job, since it is a trial position to see if they can bring in the work before they buy the necessary items to do the jobs… Big Catch 22 going on here… and that he is part time, just over minimum wage and he is having to do the work from home and carry son2’s cell phone… Hubby is not a cell phone kind of person and I am not going to get him one just for him to use for work…
I am still liking my job partly because the things that do annoy me, I knew they were going to before I applied for the job… I just wish I could feel accomplished when I leave work each day… but it is a never ending battle to get anything done… Always a mess to clean from customers and always boxes coming in of new shoes… plus every day reports and processes to do… and never enough time in the day… Tonight I have to put the hours in the schedule but won’t have time to actually make it until tomorrow as I am the manager on duty til 6pm… then dinner… then have an hour to do something… and then time to start store closing procedures and go home…
And maybe I would feel more accomplished at work if I felt more accomplished at home… My house is a mess… partly from the kittens as they are in toddler stage and getting into everything, so I have boxes and paper and whatever will entertain them all over my family room so they will stay out of my stuff.. And Maple is such an ankle biter… she is under my chair now, attacking my feet… and they both chew on wires, they chewed up my printer wires… so we have wires and blind cords all rolled up as high as they will go… but yes, they are so cute…
So my bathrooms need cleaning and my kitchen is never clean as it is the main walkway through the house to get from each room… I have kept up on the laundry but not put away… Hubby hasn’t been back to any of his projects in the yard since he’s started working and that it is in the 100’s now… another aspect he doesn’t like of his job, as he has to be outside walking/driving from business to business, sweating in his long sleeve dress shirt and tie…
So hubby and I are in a rut with our jobs, when we were so looking forward to change and new possibilities… And it’s nice that we don’t have to worry about school and homework with the boys at the moment but since our parenting is lacking with all that is going on, they boys are not helping out around the house at all… I’ve made them lists that they ignore or when we ask we have to ask several times before they even start to budge, including son3 who is going to be 10 and asserting his independence at the moment… Restrictions need to be applied to get them to act but I’m tired… and hubby will apply them on his day off but then not act again til he has another day off… because even when he is only working 4 hours a day, it is all about work with him…
I co-host a Motivation Blog and I can’t even find my motivation at the moment…
Son1 is also busy as ever… I had to get up at 5:15 this morning to take him to work, his Jeep is in the shop to have some gears put in for the 4 wheel drive since he replaced the rear differential… So I had a nice drive in the Nissan Sentra rental car we have, I’ll tell that story in a moment… Son1 still has plans on joining the military… he has found a friend of a friend that is a teacher and has been tutoring him… even texts him questions every so often just to keep him on track that he has to answer back… he and girlfriend have also been looking at wedding/engagement ring sets as part of their plan was to get engaged if they stayed together for two years, plus him joining the military is a factor in that decision too… she will start cosmetology school in the fall…
So back to the rental car… when I was coming home from work on Friday in the Saturn, I was involved in a four car accident… the car in front of me had just stopped at the light and I stopped behind her as it is a bit of an incline at that intersection so I remember thinking ok don’t roll back… I then heard a Big Bam but as I looked in my rear view mirror I wasn’t able to see anything because my seat broke and I was now laying down, thinking I need to stop the car as it wouldn’t stop rolling back and forth hitting the car in front of me… I realized later that I did have my feet on the brake and clutch all the time as the car was still running so it didn’t stall out… the lady behind me had been pushed into me because the van behind her did not see us stopped and slammed right into her… a young man who had borrowed his parents car without permission to give his younger sister a ride… we called the police who called tow trucks and asked if anyone needed an ambulance… when the ladies’ family behind me arrived they took her to the doctor’s as she was a bit shaken and banged up…we all exchanged information, the young man who caused it was very polite and stepped right up to take responsibility although he has a big lesson to learn now, and the girl just a bit older than son1 who I hit took control as she was a manager in retail on her way to pick up supplies so she was actually on the clock, she got a bit teary eyed after the first initial shock but with my support we were all able to remain calm and take care of each other… I was able to use her cell phone and call hubby…
The car was towed to storage for the weekend… the accident happened at 4:45pm and I was home before 6pm and on the phone with AAA by 7pm… we picked up the rental car on Tuesday, the Saturn was sent to the repair shop, who called yesterday to let us know that it would cost $4111.02 and that they would begin working on it… the front/rear bumpers, hood and driver seat were damaged that I know of… I was fine at the time of the accident until the adrenaline wore off and then the muscles in my back and neck were a bit sore, but I could still move around just fine… I even did my work as normal at work of opening boxes and no aches or pains showed up… No problem sleeping either… I researched whip lash online and it said it could take up to six weeks for all the muscles to recover and to take ibuprofen… I can already move my neck all the way around now… just still have a burning sensation in the middle of my back and back of my neck like a sunburn would feel… it goes away when I take ibuprofen though… still feeling better every day though and glad that nauseous feeling went away…
I’m back… Had a bit of a chat with son2 and son3 about chores and responsibility and how they affect others in the house when they don’t do them… and that computers and TVs will be taken away if things don’t change… which means the boys are up now… son3 already had breakfast, now son2 is looking for breakfast and we are out of milk this morning… and almost time to start getting ready for work and everyone will be wanting lunch…
On this day, God wants you to know
... that your soul is always in communion with God. When you feel lost, or afraid, or sad, - feel into your soul to find the strength of Divine presence.
Happy Journaling…