

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November First



Son2 was the werewolf again this year… He was the werewolf four years ago…

We have been setting up the yard with son2 being the live scare for six years now…

Son2 has been the Joker, Werewolf, Scarecrow, Jester Clown, Scarecrow and Werewolf…

It was a quieter Halloween this year… With only about a hundred trick or treaters and mostly little kids… Don’t know where all the big kids were partying at… Unless they were all home studying for their Friday tests since Halloween was on a Thursday this year…

Son2 still scared quite a few… and tricked many as we still set up all the characters so you don’t know which one son2 is… And many were talking of their memories from years past… One guy got on his cell phone, “Dude you have got to come see this place”… And we received many compliments… And lots took pictures with their kids…


The reaper and witch were new this year…


The witch was behind me and the treat table… This years treats were bracelets and bugs left over from last year and all toys that the boys cleaned out of their rooms this past summer… Cowboys, Indians, Dinosaurs, Etc…


Son1 and DIL were able to come over this year as they did not have school or work that night… DIL was a kitty… Son1 was a cowboy but when he took Kona (their chocolate lab) home as she wasn’t listening, he changed to a boxing costume…


Son3 went trick or treating with his friends and brought home a medium size roasting pan of candy…


DIL, Son2, Son1…                      Son1 and Son2…


Happy Journaling…


betty said...

I'm sure everyone had fun with a set up like you guys did! It was interesting you note the older kids/teens weren't out. Son was out about that evening and he noticed the same thing. Maybe its no longer fun to go trick or treating after a certain age?


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

WE usually have about 100 come for trick or treat but only got 28 here . It was raining and not a good night to be out walking. I loved seeing all your pictures. Your family really does have a lot of Halloween fun. Glad you had the week off to enjoy it all.