

Friday, September 16, 2011

September Sixteenth


One of my mornings where I wake up at 6am and can’t go back to sleep as my brain is thinking so I doze in and out having weird dreams… Up at 6:30am to get the big boys off to school and work, tried to go back to sleep and then up at 7:30am to get son3 ready for school…

Hubby called the plumber this morning and he was here within a half hour and pipes fixed for $90 within an hour… Would have cost hubby as much just to get the tools needed to do the job… and less hassle with the plumber doing it… they were the original plumbers from when the house was built anyway… Now hubby has gotten the rest of the parts needed and has just finished installing the water heater… still less than what the installers would have charged and we probably still would have had to call the plumber as the installers wouldn’t have fixed the existing pipes to the house… now hubby has turned the water back on and just waiting for the pipes to clear so he can check and make sure the water heater is working…

So yay I get to have a hot shower before going to work this afternoon… son1 came home to a surprise last night of a cold shower and hubby and son2 had cold showers this morning… so glad my co worker asked to switch closing days with me as I would have had a cold shower this morning too… so hopefully the night at work goes as smoothly…

The doctor office also called this morning, so no, hubby did not make it to work today with all the water heater and then doctor calling… His surgery is October 3rd… and his pre op appointment is Sept 19th… So I will put in for vacation for Oct 3-9… I am originally off the weekend after his surgery so that works out perfect so I don’t have to switch weekends or have anyone cover my weekend for me… the only problem may be my closing night as the other manager may be out on maternity leave but with all the vacations and medical leaves lately we have all been covering for each other so someone can cover for me too… they will have a temp lead by then to cover for the manager on maternity leave…

Hubby is here now talking to me so guess he is done and the water is back on… so need to do some laundry and dishes before I head to the shower and then to work…

Happy Journaling…


slj said...

Yes, sometimes it's just easier to go with a plumber..glad it all worked out:)and you don't have to have a cold shower...
Have a nice week-end,

betty said...

I can't imagine taking a cold shower! So glad you didn't have to and that the water heater is installed! Glad to hear the surgery is scheduled; at least there is a day to start preparing for and not being in the dark wondering when.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So glad you got the hot water on for a shower! You and your hubby are in my thoughts and prayers with that up coming surgery.

Martha said...

Just checking in over here, I'm a hopeless blogger these day and feel like a bad friend because of it :-(

Glad you got the plumbing issues taken care of and hope your work went well.

Sending thoughts and prayers for hubby!

Lisa said...

Sending prayers up for hubby... so glad you were able to get the plumbing issues resolved... yes, I am journaling again... had such a long break... too long... have missed your entries more than you know...

Tina said...

I know it has been a long time, since I have "stopped by." I haven't been to any journals, even my own, until just the last few days.

I have caught up with you a little here, to get what is going on with the surgery. I am sorry for all that you must be going through. I was also glad to read that you feel like this is a good route, most likely to lead to the best results.

I will be thinking of you, and stopping back by to see how things have gone....