

Sunday, September 5, 2010

September Fifth…


Saturday we decided to have a relaxing day with a break from job looking and emotional roller coaster riding… Of course I can’t relax and got a headache…

Hubby made pancakes for breakfast… son1 went off with friend S to get coffee and doughnuts… son1 wanted to go 4 wheeling but no one wanted to go with him so friend was soothing him with doughnuts…

son2 did homework and went with son1 later in the morning to find a shift knob for son1’s jeep that broke off when he was installing new clutch… they didn’t find anything son1 liked… stopped at friend S’s house and then dropped son2 off at home and they went to the junk yard to see if there were any there… back home son1 took son2 to storage to get his guitar and found his work shirt that he had been missing for weeks… must have gone to storage the last time he wore it… later in the evening son1 went back to friend S’s house with girlfriend… ended up getting sick to his stomach and spending the night… think he didn’t drink enough water out and about in the hot day…

son3 of course played Roller Coaster Tycoon all day taking a break to watch Roughnecks…

Hubby trimmed some trees in the yard, played on his computer doing some art work, got gas in the car and sent off a resume online…

I worked on my Motivation Station entry for Thursday, made Jell-O, corn on the cob and potato salad for Monday, laundry, dishes, updated the checkbook, and spent a little time at Career Builder looking at available jobs…

We had leftovers for dinner and watched the rest of our Wild Wild West DVD… We were all very tired, well except for son3 who’s never tired, and we went to bed early and hubby and I watched Bones… we are still turning off the air conditioner at night and keeping it at 82 during the afternoon… The PG&E bill came yesterday, may have contributed to my headache as it was $463… interesting though that the bill runs through 8/26 and we cut way back on the AC on 8/27 so next months bill should be way lower… although this new bill was more than last month and we have since replaced the filter, replaced the clothes dryer  and dish washer with better energy efficiency so must have been hotter in August than July…

However we didn’t get very good rest as Danny was barking at every noise since the windows are open and the fans are going… so it was later this morning that my headache finally went away…

Saturday I ate: breakfast~vitamins, green tea tablet, one pancake with syrup and blueberry jelly, french vanilla hot chocolate with a marshmallow… lunch~one slice vegetable pizza, water… dinner~macaroni and cheese, ravioli, water… popsicle…


Today I was up early and off to work… changed out a few signs, changed out a sale table, stocked men’s shoes, cleaned up our signing that the painters took down, sorted boxes, went to lunch, opened boxes, off at 3pm…

son1 was home and feeling better having had some toast, two corndogs and lots of liquids… he and son2 watched Balls of Fury… son3 still on Roller Coaster Tycoon… son2 mowed the lawn and did some chores… he still has homework to finish and son3 needs to get in the habit of reading some books not just video games… hubby worked in the yard all day today…

Since home, I have showered, put son2’s laundry in the dryer, had to take mine out, checked email, saved hubby a job to his job file at Career Builder from his alerts, made dinner and wrote this entry… Hubby has picked a movie to watch… we voted for the new Star Trek… dinner is now ready, just some chicken, mashed potatoes and veggies and left over pizza…

Today I ate: vitamins, water… lunch~chimichanga, yogurt, cola… hubby opened the BBQ chips when I got home so had my hand in the bag a few times… dinner~chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies, water…

Happy Journaling…


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you all decided to give yourselves a relaxing day. It's important to just enjoy life. While it is a difficult time for you, you all do have much to be thankful for. I hope work isn't too crazy for you today. I'm just resting here. Tomorrow I go to help out DDIL#5 who is on bed rest and DS#5 goes back to work.

slj said...

Those bills can be a shocker when they arrive for sure. I'm sure mine will be quite high when it arrives.
What brand is the chimichanga that you eat? I had to laugh when I saw your honesty about having your hand in the potato chip bag a few times.lol
Hope you have a great day,

Teresa~ Gardening with Soule said...

This was a relaxing day, I would hate to know how much you do on a working day. Hard to do nothing with a family around, that's all good "working" and I know it can be relaxing just getting chores out of the way. Glad you stopped by my blog. Nice to meet you.