

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August Twenty Fifth…


Just finished eating dinner… Deli chicken family pack… watched an episode of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and now watching first episode of Season 1 of F Troop with Ken Berry…

Today was my day off… son1 went off to work, got son2 off to school, got hubby off to work, didn’t even get son3 up or take my shower and hubby was back from work… He lost his job today… stupid reasons… eleven years with the company… this past year, they have a new policy… three infractions and automatic termination… #1 a year ago he went to lunch late past the five hour period because he was busy with customers… #2 he told a secret shopper they couldn’t do something over the phone, never tell a customer no even if it’s really no… #3 told a secret shopper on the phone they did not sell rubber stamps, when they had just started selling them, he had forgotten… these three happened over a years time… he still has to go back tomorrow to receive his final pay and turn in his keys… doesn’t sound like a good plan to me, if you are let go, then every thing should be ready at that time, you are not in the mood to go back and see every one…

We have spent the day on a emotional roller coaster… and making plans… at least F Troop has distracted him for the moment and he is laughing…

I didn’t get too much done today… my entry for The Motivation Station for tomorrow… laundry… hubby helped with the dishes, still more to do… I watched Emergency on Retro TV but still haven’t opened my new DVD yet… homework with son3… son2 went with hubby to the store after school to get milk, dinner and talk about hubby’s job situation… no sign of son1 yet this evening… yesterday he worked on his clutch after work… he borrowed his dad’s truck til he finishes fixing the Jeep…

Son3 had math homework that he did on his own… spelling sentences that I helped him with… forgot his reading book… I forgot to mention that last Friday when he brought home his papers for the week… he got a 105% on his spelling test and a 90% on his math test…

Today I ate: Breakfast~frosted flakes with yogurt, water, vitamins… popcorn, cola, beans and chips… Dinner~3 chicken wings, baked beans, potato salad, macaroni salad, green salad, roll, french fry, cream soda… 3 squares of Hershey chocolate bar… I’m full but not overstuffed… popsicle later… it was 111 degrees today and will be only 81 on Sunday…

son1 is home now, hot and tired from work…

Gonna have my popsicle, put away laundry and probably watch Season 2 of Bones with hubby…

Happy Journaling…




slj said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I will never understand how a company can put such ridiculous rules into place.
I am glad to hear that your hubby could find it within himself to still be able to laugh about something:)
I'll keep your family in my prayers that all works out.

betty said...

sad thing is if hubby had gone for his break and left customers, he probably would have gotten written up for that too. it is really sad how employees are treated these days. so sorry about it; you would think after working for 11 years there they would take some things into consideration.

hoping he can find something soon

in the meantime, hang in there! it was hot down here too today with a lightening and thunderstorm without rain triggering lots of fires


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I am so sorry to hear about your hubby's work situation.
What a loss for the company, these infractions are laughable and are the result of lack of training and support from the company.
Sending my Best, always.

Lisa said...

Keep in mind it's just the last days this devil has on earth and he's been trying to attack the believers in anyway that he can. So just start speaking blessing over this that the Lord will open a new door and it will happen. I've been speaking faith about something for a long time that just finally came through so it does work...but God will bring you through this just like He brought us through that custody battle. Sending hugs,
Lisa in Kentucky