

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Son3 is sick....
Friday hubby got up for his third day of getting to work at 6am... His alarm goes off and he jumps out of bed, lol, he is used to leisurely getting out of bed at 7am... I told him he is going to hurt himself if he doesn't slow down at 4:45am... Of course I am also awake at this time, but I am used to it, although now I don't actually get up til 5:45am so I can get son2 off to the bus and then get son3 up at 7am to get ready to go to school... Except Thursday night at 2am he woke to say his head hurt... Hubby yelled out darn that cat... I said the cat is right here with us and not waking son3 up, lol... Of course the next day he did not remember saying anything... So anyway I get son3 up and he says his head still hurts, so I give him some Tylenol and by time he is brushing his teeth, he is singing... He did not eat breakfast though and I was very tempted to call out of work but off we went... 1pm I just sit down to lunch and I am being paged, it is the school, son3 is complaining his tummy hurts... I talk to son3 and then the school and arrange for hubby to pick up at 2pm since he is almost off of work... Of course I do ask unless you want me to pick up right now, no he can lay down in the nurse's office... almost got off work early, lol....
So I got off work at 5:30pm, came home to pizza and son3 in bed on his third movie... He hadn't eaten all day except for one bite of pizza...
Son2 was off to bed at 8pm to read the fourth book in the Twilight series that he got for Valentine's...
Hubby and I watched Terminator, Sarah Conner Chronicles, hubby was snoring half way through it and then Dollhouse, I was asleep half way through that one, lol...
We went to bed at 10pm, with son3 waking up at 11, throwing up, 12, 1, 2, 4, and then 7am, hubby had to get up for work... At 4am I put in a movie for son3 to take his mind off his tummy... I don't know how much sleep he has gotten... I'm used to the house being absolutely quiet when the boys are sick, but son3 has been moaning and calling me every half hour, poor thing... he was still throwing up at 8, 9 and 10, not that he has eaten anything except two sips of lemon lime soda and one fishy cracker... He has been quiet for an hour now but son2 says he is not asleep.... He's watching another movie...
I'm not thinking I'm gonna get much done today or maybe a whole lot done if he finally falls asleep... I'll gets lots of laundry done though... ewwwwww...
Hopefully next week we'll settle into our schedule's better... I told hubby I expect it to be a long time for him to adjust to his schedule... I've been working that schedule for over fifteen years so I'm used to it... The good thing now is everyone finally goes to sleep early, lol, like I never got to do...
Well now that the day is half over, I should get dressed and wander out to the backyard and see if anymore bulbs have come up....
Happy Journaling...


Lisa said...

Linda, hope your son feels better !!!!!!, Hugs Lisa

Lisa said...

I hope your son starts feeling better soon and you all can adjust to the new schedule. After 15 years that would be a tough adjustment!

Unknown said...

my Son has been complaining for the last 3 days of a headache...must be in the air!

betty said...

poor son3! I hope no one else gets it; sounds like a dreadful bug!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hope he's feeling better for you soon. That flu is the worst stuff. Hope no one else catches it. 'On Ya'-ma

Lynne said...

Linda so sorry to hear your young one is ill. I know that is never fun. I hope you get some needed rest. Blessings to you and yours!

Barbara said...

Hope he is feeling better soon.

Barbara said...

Hope he is feeling better soon.

Joyce said...

I am catching up some...and prsy Son3 is better by now. Been there, done that sending one to school and have the school call, when he think all will be fine...
Hugs and love,