

Friday, February 6, 2009


Well hubby's work finally decided on his new schedule... I don't know if I'm just fine with it or I am in shock and it hasn't hit me yet, lol... For the last 15 years I have been the go into work early mom so I can be home for the boys and for the last 10 years hubby has been the work at night dad so he could be home in the morning for the boys... The last 6 months hubby has been trying to get on more of a day schedule so he can be home with his family in the evenings... The last 4 years I have been grateful that I had a job in shoes after they eliminated my supervisor position and was allowed to still go in early even though technically no associate is needed in shoes til the store opens at 9:30 or 10... Which is why recently with the shortage of hours I changed my availability to come in a bit later and stay a bit later on some days....

Well I guess I was practicing for my new schedule cause are you ready for hubby's new schedule...........

He now works: 5:45am-2pm... I'm laughing at him, lol... until he gets used to this he will be falling asleep a lot....

Of course it means I can no longer be available early in the morning for work except on Sunday and Monday, his days off.... Of course I will still be getting up early cause I will hear hubby getting ready for work and I still have to make sure son2 is up and off to the bus and now I will have to get son3 ready for and off to school.... Plus I am liking that I have a bit of time on the computer in the morning now to do an entry...

So now I will be going into work at 9am and getting off any where between 4pm and 6pm... So the biggest adjustment will be the evening routine of who starts homework and who makes dinner... OK so lots of changes for hubby, lol... but at least he will have afternoons now to do his chores and make appointments that he used to do in the morning before he started going in at 9:30am and lost his morning chore time... I've already started doing some of my chores in the morning like loading the washer and dishwasher since I have already been going in later...

So except for hubby being tired for a while and me not liking staying at work past 3pm, I am finding a few good things with this new schedule... I know I haven't been liking the schedule we have now of both of us getting home later in the evening... Of course hubby's work gave him no choice, it was either open or move to another store at a different position and go back to closing... To adhere to the economy they are going by the book now and that requires hubby's position to open although they have always scheduled him where they needed him as he is the most dependable... we are wondering however if he will ever get a vacation... it was hard for him to get a vacation before and could not have Friday and Saturday as he was the closer... now he is the only opener... he has over 100 hours of vacation in his bank... hmmmmmmm.....

And due to the economy I had also opened up my availability so I could work later not knowing that I was getting ready for hubby's schedule change... I will let the supervisor know today... I'm sure though that when hours pick up she will still go in early and I will be staying later then her most days.... but then I always get my vacation and I have five weeks a year, which I have already put in for the week of Easter... Hope I just didn't get cocky and jinx myself, lol....

But now today is Friday... Yay... I'm sure I'll still have Wednesday's and Saturday's off... Hey I just realized with my hours opened up I could be a supervisor... NO! Just kidding... they get downsized and lose their jobs... I'm safer being an associate...

It's raining today... Smallville and Supernatural were good last night... Still need to watch Bones... Tonight I will tape Ghost Whisperer and Numbers and hubby and I will watch part two of John Adams... Son3 has already watched Space Buddies twice... He loves it and wants us all to watch it this weekend, lol...

I'm off to jump in the shower before hubby... Don't know why I'm so ahead of the day today... Looking forward to the boys having a three day weekend... And being a Gemini (we get bored easily) I'm kinda excited about this new change in schedules... I wasn't liking hubby's schedule of 9:30-6pm and him not getting home til 7pm or later if he stopped at the store to pick up milk... Not that I want to be the one getting home at 7pm...

Happy Journaling...
Just as I was about to hit publish our power went out... for about an hour... but it's back on now, we were able to finish getting ready for the day and we are off to it.... in the pouring rain...


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It sounds like the schedule will work out good for both of you. Maybe hubby can do some of that dreaded homework with DS3. It would be nice to come home to dinner all ready for you too. He will be up early for sure. Going into work that early is a change.
'On Ya'-ma

betty said...

I think that will be a good schedule especially during the school year because everyone will probably end up going to bed earlier, know what I mean? I'm an early bird so I would love that schdule!

I'm sure it will take some time adjusting, but I bet a few months from now you guys will look back and say "hey this is really good!

enjoy the weekend


Rose said...

I am gemini too, you never know which twin you'll get! ;) we all must roll with the changes right??

Martha said...

Sounds like you guys will be just fine and adjust perfectly as always! Now if only I could find a schedule where I could get my blogging time back!! Miss you!

slj said...

You and the hubby seem to work things out well between you. So, I'm sure the new schedule won't throw you off.
Have a nice week-end,

Joyce said...

I just know all will work out...early is good. Hope you all have a lovely weekend...hugs and love,

Tina said...

So we will be reading about HIS dinner experiments now? Interesting...

I think adjustments are hard, but I imagine you will make it work out just fine.

Lisa said...

I guess it will be quite an adjustment period until everyone gets used to the new schedule. I thought Ghost Whisperer was pretty good but I am not liking this Jim thing going on. They should have just left it alone.